Friday, September 18, 2015

Jar Lid

Jar Lid

The blackberry jam jar
sat alone on the shelf
from a forgotten batch.
Sealed by the years
of rotten hard pulp
my sweaty grip
could not rotate the threads,
so I tapped it
on the marble counter,
trying to free
the dented tin ceiling,
but still it was static,
and then my grip 
and the enclosure
releasing the foul 
parts of my deep innards.

-Robert L. Jackson III 

It's not a rotten jar, but this is a well fermented sippy cup...

Sunday, September 6, 2015



The German clouds
want to rain
but just slide by.
Then bells 
from a modern steeple 
emit an ancient sound, 
warding off thunder 
and bringing the sun 
to glimmer on the river,
contained in stone walls. 
The willows 
still reach down
toward the common center 
of our worlds,
as they always will,
but now they are green.

-Robert L. Jackson III

Here is a link to a video of the bells that inspired this: